Smart policies; bright futures

Dr. Rene Molenaur

A Parent, Educator, and Policy Expert Dedicated to Safe, Empowering, and Innovative Schools

Rene Molenaur at school board meeting

Dr. Rene Molenaur: Experienced Educator, Engaged APS Parent

As a school board candidate, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the education policy landscape, and that’s exactly what sets Rene apart. An experienced educator with a rich background, Rene has firsthand knowledge of the challenges, triumphs, and intricacies of the classroom with a unique perspective. She has witnessed the impact of policies on students, teachers, and families, and is driven by a passionate commitment to enhance their educational journey.

Akron for the Future

Even in elementary school, Rene knew she wanted to be an educator. As a former APS student, current researcher, educator, and sitting APS board member, Rene’s comprehensive understanding of the evolving educational landscape empowers her to make difficult and informed decisions for Akron’s future. Rene actively embraces technology and evidence-based strategies to implement impactful initiatives that positively shape the lives of Akron’s students.

King School | 1993

Message from Rene

I am proud to serve on the School Board for Akron Public Schools. With a background as a former middle school teacher, an education policy researcher, and a parent of two APS students, I bring a unique perspective and valuable skills to the board.

As someone who has experienced the challenges and rewards of working in the classroom firsthand, I understand the profound impact that effective policies and programs can have on student learning and achievement. My passion for education extends beyond my professional experiences. As a former student and current parent in the district, I am deeply invested in the success of Akron Public Schools.

My commitment lies in ensuring that all students in our district have access to a high-quality education and the necessary resources to thrive. Collaborating with other board members, I aim to make informed and thoughtful decisions on behalf of the district, addressing the diverse needs and interests of our scholars in the present and for their future.


For me, serving on the school board is not a stepping stone or side project; it is a chance to utilize my comprehensive experience in education policy and educational technology, along with my strong leadership abilities, to truly make a meaningful impact in the lives of children, including my own. 

I recognize the critical role our schools play in shaping the future, and I am eager to be a strong advocate for Akron Public Schools, our students, our teachers, and our community.

As a board member, I will continue to advocate for the needs of our students, families, and educators. My goal is to create safe, equitable, and empowering learning environments where every student can thrive. I am a passionate about innovation and continuous improvement to meet students’ evolving needs. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and their educational applications, we can transform our schools into thriving centers of learning, preparing students for an ever-changing world. Strategic investment in technology enhances teaching, personalizes learning, and supports students and teachers.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am confident that with my dedication, experience, and commitment to teaching and learning, I can contribute to the positive growth and success of Akron Public Schools.

Education policy is a career, not a stepping stone

In the realm of educational leadership, being a current educational researcher and conference presenter brings a distinct advantage that sets Rene apart from other candidates. Research empowers informed decisions, addressing complex challenges and bridging theory with practice. 

Join Rene in championing evidence-based policies and empowering students and educators for a transformative educational journey

Review some of Rene’s professional qualifications and connect on LinkedIn:

Relevant Publications

Select list of academic publications authored and contributed by Rene providing valuable insights and perspectives on relevant educational topics.

Molenaur, R. T. (2021). Examination of the Implementation of a Mandated Attendance Policy in Ohio School Districts in the Midst of COVID-19. Cleveland State University. (
Gilblom, E. A., Sang, H., Messemer, J. E., Galletta, A., & Molenaur, R. (2020). A tightly wound braid: Forces of opportunity and exclusion within an era of school choice legislation. Journal of Urban Affairs42(4), 634-662. (
Bernel, R. T. (2012). A study of the effectiveness of selected instructional strategies from the Marzano causal teacher evaluation model in a third grade classroom at an online charter school (Doctoral dissertation, University of Akron). (

Conference Presentations

List of academic conference presentations given and anticipated by Rene providing valuable insights and perspectives on relevant educational topics.

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